A Note From The Pastor
I love Holy Week! 8 days from Palm Sunday through Easter morning. I trust you are reading Scripture about the events in the life of Jesus each day. Here are suggested readings if you don’t have anything:
– Sunday, April 2 – Matthew 21:1-22
– Monday, April 3 – Matthew 21:23-46
– Tuesday, April 4 – Matthew 26:1-35
– Wednesday, April 5 – Matthew 26:36-75
– Thursday, April 6 – Matthew 27:1-26
– Friday, April 7 – Matthew 27:27-56
– Saturday, April 8 – Matthew 27:57-66
– Sunday, April 9 – Matthew 28:1-20
I encourage you to attend the Maundy Thursday service, which includes the Lord’s Supper. The Sanctuary will be open for prayer Friday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Join us early Sunday morning at 6:30 for our sunrise service. Worship with us at 10:30 for our Easter celebration, including baptism at the end of the service in our new portable baptistry! We have four to be baptized. If you would like to be included, contact me this week.
Pastor Ed
A Note From The Pastor
I will be holding a New Member Class on Saturday, March 18th from 9-Noon. If you are interested in learning more about Hanover Friends, please contact the church office to let them know you’d like to attend.
On Sunday morning, March 26th, I will speak on the fourth deadly sin, lust. While I will not be too provocative, the sermon’s topic will at least be PG-13. If you do not want your child to be in the sanctuary that morning for the message, we will provide an alternative in the gym. The younger children will leave for Jr. Church as always.
That evening, March 26th, at 6 pm, we’ll gather again for an extended time to wait on the Lord. We’ll have time for praise, prayer, sharing and silence. This time won’t be too structured intentionally to allow the Holy Spirit to lead. The idea is to provide an environment for personal reflection & connection to God in an unrushed way.
Pastor Ed
A Note From The Pastor
Cathy and I are leaving Wednesday for Canton to help my dad move some of his furniture into his new room and get his house ready to sell. I also have a search team meeting for interviewing candidates for the Executive Director position. Thank you for remembering us in your prayers for safe travels & wisdom for decisions. We return Wednesday the 22nd.
The story I shared with you Sunday about the 26 angels may be fake (at least according to Snopes.) I’ve had that story, and many like it, in my files for years. I do believe people have seen angels acting as guards providing protection for God’s people. I apologize for not researching that more thoroughly.
A Note From The Pastor
I want to encourage you to keep reading the Bible for 21 days each day. If you aren’t having a regular “quiet time,” do so in the Gospel of John. The reading should be John 9 today.
Men & boys, I encourage you to stay after church next Sunday for a chili lunch, watch some football, play cornhole and enjoy talking with some other men. You’ll deepen existing relationships or make a new friend! Any questions, talk to John Schmutte.
Betty Hudgins is in Memorial Regional Hospital today for tests. She is in room 143.
A Note From The Pastor
Barna and other researchers show that Christianity is waning in America, declining in numbers and influence. That is the reality we must deal with.
The Church in America has worked hard to be “relevant” to an unbelieving culture, and in my opinion, compromised. Or we have excluded ourselves into our own “Christian ghettos.” We have our publishing houses, colleges, schools, music, movies, conferences, etc. It worked well for a time. I believe the Christian bubble is bursting.
The world then attacks Christianity as “not relevant” and we fire back with conspiracy theories and political hatred. We have hoped too much in politicians, political parties and greed theology that would take us to the Promised Land.
We don’t need to fear a godless future or yearn for our long idealized Christian past. We have Jesus! The Holy Spirit is in our midst! The Church is at its best and most appealing self when it is pouring itself out for others, both within its walls and outside.
The Church is for Christians, not unbelievers. We gather to worship, to equip, to empower, to direct our people to go into the world and be the hands & feet of Jesus. Then, when outsiders come into the Church, they are welcomed, loved, and inspired by our godly lives of love. This is the Church we want and strive for, full of love and service. The Church becomes contagious and the old way of Church unnecessary.
We don’t save America by being angrier or by isolating, but serving in love.
I hope you are in the Word as the new year begins. 21 days to form new habits! There is also a year-round Bible plan in the foyer.
Men and boys – join us in the gym Sunday, January 15th for chili and football. Let’s build friendships!
Temple Litton was a regular attender before Covid. She hasn’t returned, but misses everyone and is doing well.
We are making improvements in our facility. You’ll notice them in the upcoming weeks!
Pastor Ed
A Note From The Pastor
Please pray for Betty Hudgins, who is at St. Mary’s with a possible stroke.
Beginning on January 1st, we are offering you a 21-day challenge. Psychologists say it takes 21 days to break a habit and establish a new one. Part of the challenge is for those who do not have a consistent daily quiet time. You’ll be asked to read a chapter in John’s gospel per day for 21 days. Don’t just quickly read the chapter, read it slowly. Meditate on it. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring a fresh word from it to you. Abide in Him.
Those who have a regular quiet time can still do the reading, but you may want to refrain from something you’d like to eliminate in your life. Or, refrain from a good thing for 21 days for the purpose of focused prayer. There is much to pray about.
Another possibility is to view a RightNow Media video series by Dallas Willard called Hearing God. I’ve found this to be helpful. If you are not on RightNow Media, contact Linda in the church office and she will help you set it up. HERE is the link for the Willard series.
We want you to have solid spiritual growth habits in 2023. We hope you will participate in these exercises.
A Note From The Pastor
Cathy & I enjoyed watching a 6-part (about 25 minutes each) teaching/dramatization by Kyle Idelman called “The Christmas Experience.” I think you’ll enjoy it. You can view it on RightNow Media by clicking HERE.
Beginning on January 1st, we are offering you a 21 day challenge. Psychologists say it takes 21 days to break a habit and establish a new one. Part of the challenge is for those who do not have a consistent daily quiet time. You’ll be asked to read a chapter in John’s gospel per day for 21 days. Don’t just quickly read the chapter, read it slowly. Meditate on it. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring a fresh word from it to you. Abide in Him.
Those who have a regular quiet time can still do the reading, but you may want to refrain from something you’d like to eliminate in your life. Or, refrain from a good thing for 21 days for the purpose of focused prayer. There is much to pray about.
Another possibility is to view a RightNow Media video series by Dallas Willard called Hearing God. I’ve found this to be helpful. If you are not on RightNow Media, contact Linda in the church office and she will help you set it up. HERE is the link for the Willard series.
We want you to have solid spiritual growth habits in 2023. We hope you will participate in these exercises.
Pastor Ed
A Note From The Pastor
I’m really looking forward to celebrating the burning of our mortgage this Sunday during the worship service. I’ve invited three community leaders who were instrumental in helping us achieve that goal. We’re having our monthly covered dish dinner following and then the congregational business meeting. I hope you will attend!
Be sure to check the “Christmas mailbox” this holiday season. More than likely there will be a card in there for you. Cathy & I have written a message on each of our cards for you. We love you all!
Pastor Ed
A Note From The Pastor
We had a nice group of about 25 people praying for the election and for revival in America. Keep praying!
I also want to encourage you to vote. Chuck Colson, former special assistant to the President, reminded us: “It is our duty, as citizens of the society we live in. To do that, we must vote. Christians are citizens of two kingdoms: The kingdom of this world and the eternal Kingdom of God (Colossians 1:13-14; Hebrews 12:28.)
Vote for character, morals, values like life, marriage between a biological male and female and religious liberty. Be informed! Consider being involved at the local level.
A Note From The Pastor
I have more I want to say to you about maintaining unity in the church. These thoughts are spurred on by Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s “Life Together.”
It can be easy to become discouraged by the gap between the ideal in your mind on what church “should be” and the real. You must love Christ’s Church in spite of its imperfections. Longing for the ideal while criticizing the real is immaturity. On the other hand, settling for the real without striving for the ideal is complacency. Maturity is living with the tension.
Believers are going to disappoint & let you down, but that’s no reason to stop fellowshipping with them. They’re family, even when they don’t act like it. You don’t walk out on family.
People become disillusioned with the church for many reasons: conflict, hurt, hypocrisy, neglect, pettiness, gossip, legalism and more. Rather than being shocked & surprised, remember the church is made up of real sinners, including ourselves. Because we’re sinners, we hurt each other, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. But instead of leaving the church, we stay and work it out if at all possible. Reconciliation, not running away, builds strong character & deepens fellowship.
Divorcing the church at the first signs of disappointment is a mark of immaturity. God has things He wants to teach you & others. Besides, there is no “perfect” church to go to. Every church has weaknesses and problems. You’ll soon be disappointed again.
Groucho Marx was famous for saying he wouldn’t belong to a church that would let him join! If a church must be perfect to satisfy you, that church’s perfection would exclude you because you’re not perfect either!
Every church could put out a sign saying “No perfect people need apply.” The Church is only for those who admit they are sinners, need grace, and want to grow.
To quote Bonhoeffer: “He who loves his dream of community more than the community itself becomes a destroyer of the latter… If we do not give thanks daily for the Christian fellowship in which we have been placed, even when there is no great experience, no discoverable riches, but much weakness in faith, and difficulty; if on the contrary, we keep complaining that everything is paltry and petty, then we hinder God from letting our fellowship grow.”